Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
- Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
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Szukaj przedmiotów:
organizowanych przez...
dowolny wydział
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
prowadzonych w języku...
dowolny język
związanych z daną dziedziną...
dowolna dziedzina
01 - Education
0112 - Training for pre-school teachers
0113 - Teacher training without subject specialisation
0188 - Education, inter-disciplinary programmes
02 - Arts and humanities
0214 - Handicrafts
0228 - Arts and humanities, interdisciplinary programmes
0230 - Language
0239 - Languages, not elsewhere classified
0288 - Arts and humanities, interdisciplinary programmes
03 - Social sciences, journalism and information
0388 - Social sciences, journalism and information, inter-disciplinary programmes
04 - Business and administration and law
0412 - Finance, banking and insurance
0416 - Wholesale and retail sales
0420 - Law
0429 - Law, not elsewhere classified
0488 - Business, administration and law, interdisciplinary programmes
05 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
0510 - Biological and related sciences
0511 - Biology
0512 - Biochemistry
0520 - Environment
0521 - Environmental sciences
0522 - Natural environments and wildlife
0529 - Environment, not elsewhere classified
0530 - Physical sciences
0549 - Mathematics and statistics, not elsewhere classified
0588 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes
06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
0610 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
0611 - Computer use
0612 - Database and network design and administration
0613 - Software and applications development and analysis
0618 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), inter-disciplinary programmes
0688 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), inter-disciplinary programmes
07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction
0723 - Textiles (clothes, footwear and leather)
0724 - Mining and extraction
0729 - Manufacturing and processing, not elsewhere classified
0738 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes
0788 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes
08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
0820 - Forestry
0829 - Forestry, not elsewhere classified
0830 - Fisheries
0839 - Fisheries, not elsewhere classified
0840 - Veterinary
0849 - Veterinary, not elsewhere classified
0888 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, veterinary, inter-disciplinary programmes
09 - Health and welfare
0917 - Traditional and complementary medicine and therapy
0920 - Welfare
0922 - Child care and youth services
0923 - Social work and counselling
0929 - Welfare, not elsewhere classified
0988 - Health and Welfare, inter-disciplinary programmes
10 - Services
1010 - Personal services
1011 - Domestic services
1012 - Hair and beauty services
1013 - Hotel, restaurants and catering
1019 - Personal services, not elsewhere classified
1020 - Hygiene and occupational health services
1021 - Community sanitation
1022 - Occupational health and safety
1029 - Hygiene and occupational health services, not elsewhere classified
1030 - Security services
1031 - Military and defence
1032 - Protection of persons and property
1039 - Security services, not elsewhere classified
1040 - Transport services
1049 - Transport services, not elsewhere classified
1088 - Services, inter-disciplinary programmes
9999 - Field unknown
prowadzonych w cyklach...
Semestr letni 2021/22
Semestr zimowy 2021/22
Semestr zimowy 2024/25
Semestr letni 2022/23
Semestr zimowy 2022/23
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
Semestr letni 2023/24
Semestr letni 2024/25
Pełna lista przedmiotów